Children are usually referred for ELSA support by their class teacher. Together with the class teacher, Mrs Walker will identify the target areas, a programme of support will be put in place and all parties will share the strategies that she develops to build continuity and sustainability into the work she does. Most ELSA programmes will last for 6 weeks, helping the child to learn some new specific skills or coping strategies but most of all it is a chance for them to talk and a chance for us to listen.
SMART targets will be set for each of the children who receive ELSA support. Each session will have an objective that the ELSA wants the pupil to understand or achieve. By setting targets for the children, and by also formulating a “baseline” from which we can work, we are able to “measure” the impact of our ELSA. These measures could be linked to attendance, punctuality, a reduction in the number of outbursts, less involvement with the behaviour management system or an improvement in their attainment, achievement, productivity or attitude.
The ELSA is able to monitor this as well as by speaking with staff and parents and carers. Our ELSA isn’t there to ‘fix’ the child and for some of our pupils with complex or long-term needs, it is unrealistic to expect ELSA support to resolve all of their difficulties. The needs of these children would be discussed within our SENDCo. However, by building a positive relationship with the children, our ELSA can help them to think about their behaviours, worries and anxieties, and give them the time and space to reflect on these and share honestly their thoughts and feelings. By doing this our children who benefit from our ELSA support can make huge strides in their progress, confidence, belief and become positive learners who are better placed to achieve their potential.
If you would like to know more about our ELSA then please contact school via the following email address: