Pupil Premium

Dove CE Academy received some pupil premium money in its school budget. The Pupil Premium is allocated to children from low-income families who are currently known to be eligible for free school meals. The Government believes that the Pupil Premium, which is additional to main school funding, is the best way to address the current underlying inequalities between children eligible for free school meals and their wealthier peers by ensuring that funding to tackle disadvantage reaches the pupils who need it most.

Overview of pupil premium 2022-23

Overview of pupil premium 2023-24

We are proud to be a part of SUA Trust

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SUAT supports and leads in the set-up of new academies joining the partnership. The services provided by the central support function cover both educational and non-educational support. In terms of educational support, SUAT is linked to the School of Education of Staffordshire University, which is an outstanding ITT provider.