The school day starts at 8.50am. The gates are opened at 8.40am and children go through the playground into their classrooms. Any messages can be passed to school staff on the gate who will share these with the relevant class teacher.
Our School Day
School closes at 3.20pm and parents/carers collect their children from the playground. Each class has a designated collection area. Younger siblings are collected first.
The school week is 32.5 hours
If children arrive late for any reason they should be brought to the main entrance and ‘signed in’ at the office. If children are taken out of school before the end of the school day, they should be collected from the main entrance and ‘signed out’.
Absences require authorisation from the school. Therefore, it is necessary for school to be informed of a child’s absence as soon as possible. If a child is absent and the school has not been informed then the school will contact you directly during the morning of the first day of absence.
Good attendance and punctuality are vital life-long skills and are important for your child to achieve their potential. Attendance at the school is good and this can only happen through the commitment of families and the school working together to ensure all children attend school regularly. The school day starts at 8.50am and the register closes at 9.0am.